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Mai 2011 Tropimed 5.1 is ready for download

We are pleased to inform you that latest updates are now ready and you are eligible to download the new release.
If you are a subscriber who has chosen this method of delivery, please follow points one through five to download the program, and the following points to update the version installed on your workstation.
Version: 5.1/ I-2011
Availability:Available for INSTANT download!
Confidential Code:see separate notice
NB: As the file's size is consequent, ca. 80MB, the download remains long to carry out with a standard modem 56K. It is thus preferable to have a broadband connection to the Internet.
Yours faithfully,
Tropimed Team
How to download
- Click on the above link "Download" to accede to the Tropimed online
- Select your version
- Click on the link to the list of downloads left to the News articles
- Enter the confidential code
- Follow the instructions on the screen
How to update
- Click on the file "Tropimed53.exe" you have downloaded
- Click on the "Unzip" and OK
- Follow the instructions on the screen
System requirements
- PC/IBM compatible
- Windows 95 or higher
- 32 bits Processor
- 32 Mb RAM
- 100 Mb of free space on the hard disk
Outbreak News
- Service temporarily unavailable
Trial version
The evaluation version that you can use and test is the complete version of Tropimed. It thus includes all features of a licensed copy but the evaluation version will expire after 30 days of use.
Purchase Tropimed now directly from our order form.