Please click on the links to display the details of the primary features of Tropimed.
Special Features
Vaccination plan automatically calculated for itineraries based on departure datesTravel report generated for given itineraries to be sent, saved or printed.Customized printing with logo, page headers and footers and page numberingChecklist for travelers (Overview)Maps of endemic areas continuously updated based on most recent epidemiological state -
Current News
Online epidemiological NewsMonthly epidemiological Faxnews (for Switzerland and Germany)RSS Feeds from reknowned organizations and international sources -
For Each Country
Malaria: chemoprophylaxis and emergency treatmentsGeographical maps with a zoom functionClimat for major citiesUseful addresses (embassies and consulates) -
Detailed information
Traveler-related risks (diabetics, pregnant women, babies, etc.)Environment-related risks (airplanes, sun, altitude, etc.)Preventive advice for the traveler (travel sicknesses, diarrhea, water disinfection, etc.) -
Other Features
Corporate documents (Enterprise Edition)
Outbreak News
- Service temporarily unavailable
Trial version
The evaluation version that you can use and test is the complete version of Tropimed. It thus includes all features of a licensed copy but the evaluation version will expire after 30 days of use.
Purchase Tropimed now directly from our order form.